Wednesday, April 13, 2011


CATCH THE BUZZ - Pesticides & Pollinators - THE MEETING

Beekeeping and Pollinator Groups Meet with EPA, Pesticide Industry, University Researchers
Submitted by Xerces Society

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PENSACOLA, Fla. (January 24, 2011) -
Last week representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and the pesticide industry met with university researchers, conservationists and
beekeeping groups in Florida to discuss the way that pesticide risks to bees are
evaluated. The conference, which was organized by the Society for Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), is considered by U.S. government agencies and
industry-watchers to be the first step in evaluating whether current guidelines
on measuring pesticide toxicity are effective.

Currently, the EPA only evaluates
pesticide toxicity to honey bees, while bumble bees and other crop-pollinating
bee species are given no consideration. Beekeeping groups have also questioned
the validity of the existing honey bee hazard evaluation process in the U.S.,
and have pushed the agency to develop stricter standards in the wake of highly
publicized bee deaths. Previous SETAC conferences have reviewed the pesticide
risk standards to wildlife such as fish and birds, resulting in more stringent
requirements on the part of manufacturers. This was the first SETAC conference
focused specifically on bees.

"We are generally pleased with the
increased intensity of pesticide screening that was discussed, as well as the
inclusion of non-honey bee species in the testing process," said Mace Vaughan,
Pollinator Program Director at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation,
who attended the conference. "We hope that this will lead the EPA to adopt more
thorough risk management strategies for pollinators."

Pollinators have been the focus of
several conservation initiatives spearheaded by the Xerces Society and
beekeeping groups in recent years, who point out that the ecological service
bees, butterflies and other pollinators provide is necessary for the
reproduction of more than 70 percent of the world's plants. This includes
two-thirds of the world's crop species, whose fruits and seeds together provide
over thirty percent of the foods that we consume. Dramatic declines of both wild
and domesticated bees have resulted in a growing awareness of threats such as
habitat loss, diseases and pesticide use.

"It is vitally important that the EPA
better address the impact that these toxic substances have on honey bees and
native bees," said Zac Browning of the American Beekeeping Federation, who also
attended the conference. "Adoption of the final recommendations from this
workshop, which are expected in the next several months, is a good first step.
But much more will need to be done to truly protect these important

In the U.S. alone, more than 1.2
billion pounds of pesticides are applied annually. Penn State researchers have
identified traces of more than eighty different pesticide products in nearly all
honey bee hives they examine, with several of these compounds being implicated
in bee deaths.


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